Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hard Core Swimming!
So I can't remember that last time I really swam for a long period of time with an end goal in mind. Recently though, a couple of the cadets from the AF that I'm working out with during the break wanted to swim, so, I suggested swimming thunder (it is a play off one of our regular PT workouts). But, the jist is that you swim one length, get out, do 20 pushups, swim back, do 20 situps, and continue until you get to one! I only got to 9 today but by the time you hit 10, you have done 165 push ups and sit ups as well as swimming a 1/4 mile. That is after we have already done weights for about an hour. Needless to say, it is a way hard workout but fun to do. I'm currently hovering around 214 or 213...I will meet weight sometime next week. Once I do, I will post my before and after picture. Also, I am totally fine with training for like a 5k or something. We should find out when there is one during the summer and see if we can.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hey Mrs. Dalton - check me out!!
Okay, so I did something this morning that I couldn't even do in grade school...I ran 1.5 miles. I know that Julie and Nate and Tom could all kick my butt at this...but this is HUGE for me. Oh, I should mention that I walked for 25 steps...but that's it! Yay! I was feeling inspired after last night's Biggest Loser episode. I totally want to train for a 5K now. Maybe even a 10K.
Tuesdays with Nate: Walk to Zion
So, I think maybe I should change the name of this column from Tuesdays with Nate to Sometime during the week with Nate. I haven't been real good about writing this on Tuesday. Anyway...
So, I really want to get going on this Walk to Zion thing. I think it's a really fun idea. What do we need to do to take this to the next step? Can we try to plan to have our pedometers by Christmas? I think earlier would be better but I guess that may not be possible for us. Julie and I will be in Logan on the weekend of the 12th maybe we could try to plan something out then and start keeping track during Christmas. Either way we should get on this soon.
I'm really excited to see all of you guys soon! It has been a while and I miss you! Especially the kids, I mean I miss all of you but I have spent a lot more time with the "adults" just based on the fact that you guys have been alive a little longer than the kids. Well, I love you guys! See you soon!
So, I really want to get going on this Walk to Zion thing. I think it's a really fun idea. What do we need to do to take this to the next step? Can we try to plan to have our pedometers by Christmas? I think earlier would be better but I guess that may not be possible for us. Julie and I will be in Logan on the weekend of the 12th maybe we could try to plan something out then and start keeping track during Christmas. Either way we should get on this soon.
I'm really excited to see all of you guys soon! It has been a while and I miss you! Especially the kids, I mean I miss all of you but I have spent a lot more time with the "adults" just based on the fact that you guys have been alive a little longer than the kids. Well, I love you guys! See you soon!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesdays with Nate: Gimme a break!
I know I have slacked off a little on the Tuesdays with Nate column, but I'm on my break! I need to relax with my wife. So, you can stop sending the hate mail and no more car bombs, please. Tuesdays with Nate will return shortly.
So, even though I haven't been blogging like I should, Julie and I have had extra time to exercise together. Well, extra time to do everything, like sleep. I don't think we've gotten out of bed before 10 in the past week! It has been awesome! Today, we decided to make the most out of our extra time and go for a little longer run than normal. We got on GoogleMaps and drew out a course for ourselves. About a mile of the run, maybe a little more, was supposed to be along a canal on the far west side of our neighborhood. When we got there we realized that it was all private property of the Arizona Canal Project and we couldn't run on it. So, we turned around and decided to take a short cut. The map we had drawn was supposed to be about 4 miles. So we figured we could take another road and it would just be a little shorter. Well, apparently we had both drawn out the map differently in our heads. When we got home and went back to GoogleMaps to map our route, we discovered we had actually run 5.3 miles. We were both pretty surprised but very happy with ourselves!
Anyway, stay awesome and I'm really looking forward to this walk to Zion thing! I think it will be super awesome! Love you guys!
So, even though I haven't been blogging like I should, Julie and I have had extra time to exercise together. Well, extra time to do everything, like sleep. I don't think we've gotten out of bed before 10 in the past week! It has been awesome! Today, we decided to make the most out of our extra time and go for a little longer run than normal. We got on GoogleMaps and drew out a course for ourselves. About a mile of the run, maybe a little more, was supposed to be along a canal on the far west side of our neighborhood. When we got there we realized that it was all private property of the Arizona Canal Project and we couldn't run on it. So, we turned around and decided to take a short cut. The map we had drawn was supposed to be about 4 miles. So we figured we could take another road and it would just be a little shorter. Well, apparently we had both drawn out the map differently in our heads. When we got home and went back to GoogleMaps to map our route, we discovered we had actually run 5.3 miles. We were both pretty surprised but very happy with ourselves!
Anyway, stay awesome and I'm really looking forward to this walk to Zion thing! I think it will be super awesome! Love you guys!
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Challenge to you All!!
So, I walk a lot. I don't know if you've noticed, but with that crazy dog...I rack up some miles. And I've been thinking about that. And about this blog. And I've come up with a challenge...should you choose to accept it. And there are some details to work out, I'm sure...but here it is. What if our family all got pedometers and we "walked to Zion?" Basically, we all get a pedometer that measures distance, as well as steps. Then we wear them and track our distance each day. And let's see how long it takes us to walk from Nauvoo, IL to Salt Lake City, UT (approx. 1300 miles).
In thinking about this, I haven't quite decided how to go about it. Should we race? Should we make a goal for ourselves of when we need to make it by? Let me know your thoughts! And what you think of the idea. I just thought it would be kind of cool. :)
Okay - love your guts people. Peace out. Kakes.
In thinking about this, I haven't quite decided how to go about it. Should we race? Should we make a goal for ourselves of when we need to make it by? Let me know your thoughts! And what you think of the idea. I just thought it would be kind of cool. :)
Okay - love your guts people. Peace out. Kakes.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesdays with Nate on Thursday: My new exercise equipment

Well, this has been kind of a weird week with Julie being gone and what not. I have been studying quite a bit, and watching a lot of Lost. The whole TV show is based around cliff-hanger endings and it makes it extremely difficult to only watch one episode at a time. So, as dumb as it sounds, TV kept me from riding my bike this week. Never to happen again!
My new exercise equipment:
I know you guys will think this is ridiculous but I think I'm about ready for a new bike, rather I will be ready for a new bike come next summer. The bike I have my eye on is the Bianchi Infinito (pictured above). Thomas and I have decided to do the MS 150 together next summer and my goal is to have the bike before then. Thomas' goal is to have a bike by then. Right, Thomas?
I really enjoy riding my bike, the problem with it is that it's not a great full body work out. I mean the benefits of increasing my heart rate, increasing my cardiorespiratory health, decreasing blood pressure, etc. are all there but I have noticed a marked decrease in upper body strength (FYI when your muscles, or any tissue for that fact, decreases in size it's called atrophy).
So, here's my fitness tip for the week: perform exercises that work out your entire body. Exercises that work out larger muscle groups (i.e. legs, back, chest) or more muscle groups at a time, will increase your metabolism and help you burn calories faster. For example, doing a squat (doesn't have to be with weight) will work your legs, your butt, your stomack, and your back. Doing a pushup instead of bench press will not only work out your chest and shoulders but will also include stomach and back muscles in order to stabilize your body.
Well, that's it. And if anyone wants to join Thomas and I in the MS 150, that would be super awesome and I/we would really love it! I love you guys and I hope you're being healthy and stuff!
Just as a little follow-up to last week's Tuesdays with Nate, Julie and I have been trying to get more lutein and zeaxanthin and DHA in our diet. I don't think it's super hard. I had a tuna fish sandwhich, which is a pretty good source for omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. Also, we bought some fresh spinach, we put it in a salad with mandarin oranges, almond slivers, parmesean cheese, and chow mein noodles with some kind of sesame seed dressing. It was pretty tasty! Okay, I'm done.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Workouts with Tom Bro
So I have been working a lot to meet weight for the Air Force. It has been hard, sometimes extremely aggravating, but fun nonetheless. I generally workout about 1.5 to 2 hrs a day aside from our morning workouts three days a week. Today was a good day, it was my max out day on bench and curls as well as with tri's. I benched 165 four times on the bench and 195 twice on the machine. I was pretty stoked about that. I curled 40 lbs four times and did 50 lbs with the french curl/skull crusher workout. It was a good day, and I also ran two miles. Tomorrow will be my weekly weigh in to track my progress. Since September 2 I've lost over 15 pounds. The main contributing factor, I cut my calorie intake by half, at least. Over the past month and a half my stomach has shrunk so I don't eat as much, I get fuller faster and I've learned portion control. Also, my decisions as to what I eat has changed. I don't eat as much bread, I stay more towards chicken, tuna, and red meat every so often. It has been great to see the change...when I meet weight next month, which is 210, I am going to take a picture and post it up. The change will be from the summer some time when I was still in the high 240's to low 250's. Along with that picture will be a picture of me in uniform because until I meet weight, I cannot wear a uniform. So, I continue to trudge along with the support of an amazing wife who is amazing and that I love and adore.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesdays with Nate: I'm addicted to drugs!
Hi guys,
[I realized this was a pretty long post so I'll make a little outline for you to read in case you're low on time:
1. Get more lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet by eating spinach and such
2. Get more DHA by eating more salmon and tuna
3. Exercise, same recommnedations from last week
4. Stay cool!]
So, here are my couple of health tips/ideas for the week. First, lutein and zeaxanthin are both coratinoids that are found in our eyes. Generally, Americans do not get enough of them in their diet. They can be taken in supplement form (like a pill, hence the title of this post) or you can get them through your diet.
Some people are still skeptical as to whether or not supplementing your diet with lutein and zeaxanthin are necessary; however, they are the only two coratinoids found in your macula (the part of on the back of your eye where a large percentage of your vision takes place). If you are deficient in these two items, it will negatively affect your vision. We listened to some presentations on the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin and most people were arguing about how much we should supplement in our diet, some people said a lot, others said a little, others said more of one less of another, it was really confusing. What it came down to, I think, is that if you eat food containing these substances, you'll be pretty well off. Plants work to maintian optimal balances of the vitamins and nutrients in order to help them survive. So by eating the plant, we are ,theoretically, getting the optimal balance. I was going to type up which plants were good sources but I just found this website http://nutrient.javalime.com/nutrient.php/338 that is much more informative. So, eat more lutein and zeaxanthin, your eyes will thank you (they will be so happy they will grow little mouths and actually say "Thank you!" It's incredible).
The second thing I wanted to say was about DHA, or docoahexaenoic acid. It's an omega-3 fatty acid. It's found in pretty high concentrations in fish (esp. salmon and tuna). I don't want to make my post painful to read, so I won't go into the details of how it works (that may or may not have been my way of getting out of explaining it because I forgot how it works), but it has been shown to do some pretty awesome thinks for your eyes. Especially in maintianing lens clarity as you age and aiding in night vision. One of the things I think is especially cool, is that it can reverse some problems people already have. For example, someone with poor night vision can eat more fish (or take DHA supplements) and regain the ability to see better in low light settings. I think it's cool; especially since I think I have poor night vision (possiblely part of Med Student Syndrome, that was kind of a joke but I honestly think I have poor night vision).
Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone to stay active! The biggest cause of death in America right now is heart disease. The leading cause of heart disease is obesity and inactivity. I know exercise is a hard thing to work into our lives but it needs to be done. Make it enjoyable though, go on a brisk walk with a significant other (even if it's a dog (in Kirsten's case I think it's more like Oscar walks her)), get a Wii fit, walk with Leslie, do something. I didn't do great this week. I only got out twice on my bike. I guess I need to start practicing what I preach. But, it's hard to just step out my door and go for a bike ride like I could in Logan. There are just too many people! They should all move back to California, right dad?
Anyway, sorry this is so long. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you get something from it and let's make ourselves a super healthy family!
[I realized this was a pretty long post so I'll make a little outline for you to read in case you're low on time:
1. Get more lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet by eating spinach and such
2. Get more DHA by eating more salmon and tuna
3. Exercise, same recommnedations from last week
4. Stay cool!]
So, here are my couple of health tips/ideas for the week. First, lutein and zeaxanthin are both coratinoids that are found in our eyes. Generally, Americans do not get enough of them in their diet. They can be taken in supplement form (like a pill, hence the title of this post) or you can get them through your diet.
Some people are still skeptical as to whether or not supplementing your diet with lutein and zeaxanthin are necessary; however, they are the only two coratinoids found in your macula (the part of on the back of your eye where a large percentage of your vision takes place). If you are deficient in these two items, it will negatively affect your vision. We listened to some presentations on the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin and most people were arguing about how much we should supplement in our diet, some people said a lot, others said a little, others said more of one less of another, it was really confusing. What it came down to, I think, is that if you eat food containing these substances, you'll be pretty well off. Plants work to maintian optimal balances of the vitamins and nutrients in order to help them survive. So by eating the plant, we are ,theoretically, getting the optimal balance. I was going to type up which plants were good sources but I just found this website http://nutrient.javalime.com/nutrient.php/338 that is much more informative. So, eat more lutein and zeaxanthin, your eyes will thank you (they will be so happy they will grow little mouths and actually say "Thank you!" It's incredible).
The second thing I wanted to say was about DHA, or docoahexaenoic acid. It's an omega-3 fatty acid. It's found in pretty high concentrations in fish (esp. salmon and tuna). I don't want to make my post painful to read, so I won't go into the details of how it works (that may or may not have been my way of getting out of explaining it because I forgot how it works), but it has been shown to do some pretty awesome thinks for your eyes. Especially in maintianing lens clarity as you age and aiding in night vision. One of the things I think is especially cool, is that it can reverse some problems people already have. For example, someone with poor night vision can eat more fish (or take DHA supplements) and regain the ability to see better in low light settings. I think it's cool; especially since I think I have poor night vision (possiblely part of Med Student Syndrome, that was kind of a joke but I honestly think I have poor night vision).
Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone to stay active! The biggest cause of death in America right now is heart disease. The leading cause of heart disease is obesity and inactivity. I know exercise is a hard thing to work into our lives but it needs to be done. Make it enjoyable though, go on a brisk walk with a significant other (even if it's a dog (in Kirsten's case I think it's more like Oscar walks her)), get a Wii fit, walk with Leslie, do something. I didn't do great this week. I only got out twice on my bike. I guess I need to start practicing what I preach. But, it's hard to just step out my door and go for a bike ride like I could in Logan. There are just too many people! They should all move back to California, right dad?
Anyway, sorry this is so long. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you get something from it and let's make ourselves a super healthy family!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Julie Tracks
Hello All! I guess I should actually post something on the healthy blog... My blog decorating doesn't necessarily burn calories. So since the move to AZ I have had a renewed desire to get healthy. This is a lot due to a desire to be healthy and a lot due to needing to keep myself busy. So I've taken up running - which still shocks me. I've always hated running and for the first 2+ years of our marriage Nate has been trying to convince me to run with him but I have always adamently refused! But last Spring Nate used me for a project in school and we discovered my cardiac health isn't great. I know what you're thinking - Julie you teach figure skating, how can your cardiac health be bad? I don't ever do a lot of skating when I'm teaching, it's much more stand and deliver style with a quick demo here or there. And the longest program I ever had to do (or that any female figure skater ever has to do) was 4 minutes. Not exactly long term aerobic exercise if ya know what I mean. And that was 5 years ago... So here we are. My goal has been first to improve my cardiac health which I feel like I am well on my way to doing and second to lose 10 pounds - so far I've lost 2 pounds. I'm running a 5k on Halloween and have been busily training for that. My goal has been to run at least 3 miles 4 days a week.
My report for this week - Oct 18-24
Mon - Ran 1 mile, walked 1 mile, ran 3 miles! Woot Woot! No clue how long it took me...
Wed - Ran 3.1 miles (5K) in 29.5 minutes! This is my best time yet and I was SO excited!
Fri - Ran 4 miles in 45 min. Today my goal was prolonged heart elevation rather than speed.
I plan to run tomorrow (Saturday) with the goal of matching or beating my 5k time from Wednesday. Additionally I have been doing crunches, planks, and push-ups mostly to work out the other parts of my body.
Well that's all folks! Next week I hope to eat a little more healthy... Exercise is one thing... Not baking delicious treats is another story.
Love you all oh so very much! XOXO!
My report for this week - Oct 18-24
Mon - Ran 1 mile, walked 1 mile, ran 3 miles! Woot Woot! No clue how long it took me...
Wed - Ran 3.1 miles (5K) in 29.5 minutes! This is my best time yet and I was SO excited!
Fri - Ran 4 miles in 45 min. Today my goal was prolonged heart elevation rather than speed.
I plan to run tomorrow (Saturday) with the goal of matching or beating my 5k time from Wednesday. Additionally I have been doing crunches, planks, and push-ups mostly to work out the other parts of my body.
Well that's all folks! Next week I hope to eat a little more healthy... Exercise is one thing... Not baking delicious treats is another story.
Love you all oh so very much! XOXO!
Watch Out!
I just promoted Julie to admin status on the blog. Be careful. It's going to get a lot cuter!
Kirsten is a slacker...but NO MORE!
I just barely decided to read through a month's worth of emails and discovered this lovely, yet brilliant blog! I'm so excited and think it is a great idea. I don't have a whole lot to add at the moment, except my new favorite yoga move. It's very simple and is surprisingly helpful for all of us. It stretches out your hips, stomach, and lower back muscles...all of which become tight and strained when you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair or in your car.
Lay on your back, and bring your feet together so that your legs make a diamond shape. This is called reclined cobbler's pose. That's it. Just lay there and breathe in and out through your nose. Pay attention to your breathing and imagine that you are breathing air into your hips to let them open up even more. After you've been in that position for perhaps 15 breaths, and this will sound weird, but just do it, just slightly pull out on your upper buttocks. this will help your hips to open even more. Stay for another 15 breaths or so. It's incredibly relaxing and will help stretch out a lot of muscles that cause us pain...so it is awesome.
Okay, that's it for now. Love you all!!
Lay on your back, and bring your feet together so that your legs make a diamond shape. This is called reclined cobbler's pose. That's it. Just lay there and breathe in and out through your nose. Pay attention to your breathing and imagine that you are breathing air into your hips to let them open up even more. After you've been in that position for perhaps 15 breaths, and this will sound weird, but just do it, just slightly pull out on your upper buttocks. this will help your hips to open even more. Stay for another 15 breaths or so. It's incredibly relaxing and will help stretch out a lot of muscles that cause us pain...so it is awesome.
Okay, that's it for now. Love you all!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hilter Bad, Diabetes also bad
The title of this blog is a reference to an old album from The Vandals called Hitler Bad, Vandals Good. Kinda pointless... Anyway, I'm attaching a link to presentation we made about diabetes and how it effects vision. There are a lot of words in the powerpoint that I don't even understand, but basically diabetes is really bad for vision! Especially if it isn't monitored. Look it over if you want.
The presentation consisted of me and 5 of my classmates. Each of us made roughly 4 slides, most everyone made more. I made only 4; mine are the ones dealing with Wound Healing. They start with the clip art of surgery, the slide talks about healing by first intention, second intention and so on and ends with a disgusting picture of an ulcer on someone's big toe (consider yourself warned!).
Here's the link:
I also wanted to thank you guys for all the suff you've added and comments and stuff! I think we could make this blog super cool! I'm excited!
The presentation consisted of me and 5 of my classmates. Each of us made roughly 4 slides, most everyone made more. I made only 4; mine are the ones dealing with Wound Healing. They start with the clip art of surgery, the slide talks about healing by first intention, second intention and so on and ends with a disgusting picture of an ulcer on someone's big toe (consider yourself warned!).
Here's the link:
I also wanted to thank you guys for all the suff you've added and comments and stuff! I think we could make this blog super cool! I'm excited!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Halloween
I love that we have a family blog! I love the Arizona Bros idea to start a healthy blog with yummy food :) Anyway I found these two cuties while searching for something to make my kiddos for Halloween and thought that I would share! Hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween, next wk!


Skeleton Dip
Love ya,


Skeleton Dip
Love ya,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Adding your own posts
Hey guys,
I just wanted to let you know, I have set up the blog as a team blog. That means that any of you that received an email from me can add your own posts, just like as if it were your own. For those of you who don't have a gmail account (i.e. mom), you should get one so you can join in on the fun!
I just wanted to let you know, I have set up the blog as a team blog. That means that any of you that received an email from me can add your own posts, just like as if it were your own. For those of you who don't have a gmail account (i.e. mom), you should get one so you can join in on the fun!
To my fellow Broschinskys
Hello everyone:
I want to start out by saying that I love all of you guys, a lot! And that is the whole reason I am doing this. I am creating what I want to be kind of family health blog. I want to be clear that this is a health blog, not a diet/weight loss blog. I want it to be a place where all of us can talk about healthy stuff we're doing or learning or healthy recipes we're cooking or whatever. I really, really love you guys and I want us to take care of each other. Not only do I want us to all stick around for a long time, but I want us to be able to enjoy the time we have. Please, don't take this as any kind of a veiled insult to anyone's way of life, habits, size, or whatever. I just want me and my family to be healthy. I have spent a lot of time in classroom talking about health and the benefits a healthy lifestyle can have. 30 years from now, I don't want to be sitting next to someone's hospital bed and be thinking to myself "If I would have said something 30 years ago, we wouldn't be here." I hope that doesn't sound morbid or depressing, but it makes me feel like I have a little bit of an obligation. Again, let me reiterate, I am doing this out of love for all of you.
With all of that said, let me tell you a little bit about what I would like this blog to become. Like I said, this will be a family blog. All of us will be able to access it and post entries on it. Again, I want it to be a health blog, not something about shedding pounds. Weight loss will come, but it is just a side effect of being healthy. But, being skinny does not always mean you're healthy. Reports have shown that skinny, sedentary (inactive) people have 3 times the chance of dying prematurely from heart disease as overweight, active people. Anyway, I would really like all of us to put stuff on here, no matter what it is (a delicious spinach recipe perhaps, or maybe a really enjoyable exercise you're doing, or maybe that you swore when the home teachers slipped on the ice as they were leaving, before and after pictures, goals you hope to accomplish, whatever).
I am kind of thinking I will make Tuesday night my night to blog something healthy on here. I have my tests Tuesday morning, so I will try to take a little break from studying Tuesday night. So, here's my suggestion for the day: Let's all try to be active for at least 30 minutes, at least 3 times this week. By active I mean you get your heart rate about 65% of its max, and your heart rate max is found by subtracting your age from 220. (For example: I am 28. 220 - 28 = 192, my heart rate max. Next, 192 * .65 = 124.8 or 125 beats per minute. So, I want to keep my heart rate above 125 beats per minute for at least 30 minutes) I realize we are all running on very tight schedules but we should really shoot for at least 30 minutes. It doesn't all have to be at the same time. It could be 10 minutes in the morning and 20 at night or 15 here and 15 there. So, give it a try and tell us about it.
So, that's it, for now. If you have anything you want to add, please feel free to do so. Or, if you have questions I may be able to answer, let me know. I have a lot of expensive text books sitting on my shelves that could be put to good use. Again, I really love all of you and I hope that we can all work on this together for some healthy Broschinskys!
I want to start out by saying that I love all of you guys, a lot! And that is the whole reason I am doing this. I am creating what I want to be kind of family health blog. I want to be clear that this is a health blog, not a diet/weight loss blog. I want it to be a place where all of us can talk about healthy stuff we're doing or learning or healthy recipes we're cooking or whatever. I really, really love you guys and I want us to take care of each other. Not only do I want us to all stick around for a long time, but I want us to be able to enjoy the time we have. Please, don't take this as any kind of a veiled insult to anyone's way of life, habits, size, or whatever. I just want me and my family to be healthy. I have spent a lot of time in classroom talking about health and the benefits a healthy lifestyle can have. 30 years from now, I don't want to be sitting next to someone's hospital bed and be thinking to myself "If I would have said something 30 years ago, we wouldn't be here." I hope that doesn't sound morbid or depressing, but it makes me feel like I have a little bit of an obligation. Again, let me reiterate, I am doing this out of love for all of you.
With all of that said, let me tell you a little bit about what I would like this blog to become. Like I said, this will be a family blog. All of us will be able to access it and post entries on it. Again, I want it to be a health blog, not something about shedding pounds. Weight loss will come, but it is just a side effect of being healthy. But, being skinny does not always mean you're healthy. Reports have shown that skinny, sedentary (inactive) people have 3 times the chance of dying prematurely from heart disease as overweight, active people. Anyway, I would really like all of us to put stuff on here, no matter what it is (a delicious spinach recipe perhaps, or maybe a really enjoyable exercise you're doing, or maybe that you swore when the home teachers slipped on the ice as they were leaving, before and after pictures, goals you hope to accomplish, whatever).
I am kind of thinking I will make Tuesday night my night to blog something healthy on here. I have my tests Tuesday morning, so I will try to take a little break from studying Tuesday night. So, here's my suggestion for the day: Let's all try to be active for at least 30 minutes, at least 3 times this week. By active I mean you get your heart rate about 65% of its max, and your heart rate max is found by subtracting your age from 220. (For example: I am 28. 220 - 28 = 192, my heart rate max. Next, 192 * .65 = 124.8 or 125 beats per minute. So, I want to keep my heart rate above 125 beats per minute for at least 30 minutes) I realize we are all running on very tight schedules but we should really shoot for at least 30 minutes. It doesn't all have to be at the same time. It could be 10 minutes in the morning and 20 at night or 15 here and 15 there. So, give it a try and tell us about it.
So, that's it, for now. If you have anything you want to add, please feel free to do so. Or, if you have questions I may be able to answer, let me know. I have a lot of expensive text books sitting on my shelves that could be put to good use. Again, I really love all of you and I hope that we can all work on this together for some healthy Broschinskys!
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