Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesdays with Nate: Goals

Well, I said that I would post my goals yesterday... I didn't and I still haven't finished them. Stay tuned... It's gonna be awesome!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I finally did it!

So, family, after several months of working out about 10-15 hours a week and eating much healthier, I made weight! I was shooting for 210, and than, due to the fact that you wear clothes when you get weighed in, they take off 2 pounds, so my max weight for my height is 208. Well, I exceeded my goal. I weighed in at 206, which means it went down on paper as 204! That is 41 pounds since September 2! Now my goals are to get to 195 or 200 pounds and get my overall body fat percentage to approx. 15-17%. Just wanted to let yall know. Also, I will be posting some before and after pictures. Love yall and thanks for helping. I know I surely couldn't have done it without your support and more importantly without the loving support and sometimes needed firm hand of my lovely wife!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tuesdays with Nate: I'm sorry!/Jillian Michaels has a lot of sports bras!

I know I have been terrible at this and I thought once my schedule became more regular (unlike my BM's) I would be able to incorporate my blog updates more regularly into my schedule. I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm sorry.

So, as you know, Julie and I got a new workout regime with our Making the Cut! book by Jillian Michaels (I have never seen her in anything except a sports bra and capri sweats). The book is pretty great! It has an entire diet and exercise plan in it. The problem is that the exercises require a lot of equipment, which basically means you have to go to the gym, which I know is not super convenient for any of us to fit into our schedules. However, we also got a Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD, which is awesome! The workouts are only 20 minutes long and they are pretty stellar.

What we have decided we're going to do is follow the diet plan from the book and the exercise plan from the DVD. Both are designed to last for about 30 days. After we finish this we're thinking P90X, who knows? Anyway, the book was about $14 at Border's and the DVD was $9 at Walmart. I'm pretty sure we can all find 20 minutes a day to work out and the benefits are definitely there. So, give Jillian a try; if you don't exercise you'll at least be inspired to buy about 30 sports bras. I know I am!
I can imagine myself in that bra. What do you think?

The end of Christmas Workouts

So, today concludes my Christmas Break workouts. I've been doing a lot more strength training than I've done in a long time. To illustrate this, at the beginning of fall semester I could barely put up 165 lbs on the bench. Today, I hit a one rep max of 200 lbs! On top of that, I ran 1.5 miles in 12:13 and I didn't really push myself that hard. So, things are going great! I mostly just wanted to let everyone know that I benched 200 lbs!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Broschinsky Walk to Zion

So, the mileage from Nauvoo to SLC is 1,271 miles. That equals out to 3.5 miles a day to do it in 365 days. There was mention of trying to get it done by July 24, that would be 7.06 miles a day. If we do the year long, I'm pretty sure we could each do that. If we were to go for July 24th, as Dad mentioned, we could do a combined effort kind of deal and each Sunday tally up how we did for the week. Anyway, we need to get out rears in gears and get chuggin along!

If you copy and paste this link, it will take you to a Google map from Nauvoo to SLC.,+Salt+Lake+City,